Ego #04

The greatest amount of emotional pain I have ever endured: when my ex-boyfriend finally admitted (after asking frequently for about half a year) that he had sex with someone else, we had just bought a house...

My proudest moment: when I received my diploma from high school without having to do one year over. This was pronounced by one of my teachers when I switched classes. Someone who shared this moment with you: my parents. They were proud of me too. My teacher said to them that I'd chosen the easiest path to follow.

The moment I am most ashamed of: that one time I was so drunk the ambulance had to pick me up. My parents were with me at that moment also. They even paid my alcoholic drinks ;) But I didn't have the guts to go back to that bar for about 1 year...

When discussing my career with others, I tend to: understate.

When discussing my love life with others, I tend to: ... I don't discus my love life with others.

When telling stories or relaying the details of my day, I tend to:
be factual.

Ego #03

A special compliment that made me blush: can't remember. Who gave me this complement: I whish I knew.

An insult that made me burn: "you're too heavy do you know". What my reaction was? I collapsed totally and felt awful about myself.

I am far better than most people I know at: webdesign and forgetting things (I always make lists of things I have/should/want to do).

The animal that best describes me: cat, I like to do my own thing in my own way.

I'm embarrassed when others: see me naked. I'm embarrassed when I: fart. Others are embarrassed when I: burb.

The greatest amount of physical pain I have ever endured: in 2005 I had terrible pain in my stomach, I went to the ER! They found a sphere of with a diameter of 20 cm. inside me which was full of human trash like hair, fluids, cartilage...

Ego #02

Three words that describe how others view me:
(this is more a question for them, don't you think?)

  1. creative
  2. honest
  3. quit?
Please let me know if I'm wrong...

Three words I would use to describe my ideal self:
  1. creative
  2. honest
  3. fun
Three things for which I'm often complimented:
  1. organization skills
  2. creativity
  3. my calmness
Which one of the three is most meaningful to me? No. 2

Ego #01

My three best qualities:

  1. well organized
  2. creative
  3. honest
My three worst qualities:
  1. uncertain
  2. no discipline in eating and sports
  3. sleeping with socks and tee when it's too cold
Of these three qualities, which one do I struggle with most frequently? No. 2

Which of the tree worst qualities have you tried to change? No. 1 and 2, still working on it...

Friends #07

The friend who is most like me: Robert ;) He's a designer too, a bit crazy, likes mostly the same food, thinks alike about the important things in life, doesn't take everything too seriously. That's probably why he's my boyfriend.

The friend who is most unlike me: really tough question... maybe Chris, he takes everything very serious.

The friend who uses most om my energy: Robert (again).

A friend I will see in hell: not one of them, they're all good as far as I know. A friend I will see in heaven: Wendy, she's so nice to everyone!

Friends #06

My father is not my friend.

My best friend as a child: Klaartje.
My worst enemy as a child: ?
My best friend as a teenager: Kiki
My worst enemy as a teenager: ?
My best friend as an adult: Kiki
My worst enemy as an adult: ?

If I could, where would I banish my worst enemy to? I don't have any enemies, but if I had one I would sent him/her to some poor African country to help the hungry and the sick. Am I able to forgive my enemies? If I had one it would depend on why he/she is my enemy...

Friends #05

My two closest friends:
1. Robert
2. Kiki

One trait I admire in each of them:
1. independence
2. commitment

One trait I wish each of them could change:
1. stubbornness
2. commitment, for her sake ;)

An animal that best describes each of them:
1. tiger/cat (opinionated)
2. dog (loyal)

My mother is my friend.

Friends #04

A friend who has betrayed me: my ex-boyfriend, that's why he's an ex ;) How he did betray me? Well, he didn't dine at home... you know what I mean? Have I forgiven this friend? No. I think I will never be able to forgive him.

A friend who has done something terrible but whom I have forgiven: Don't know, I don't believe one of my friends has done something terrible... I don't need to forgive any friend, at this moment.

A friend I would name as godparent of my child is... gosh, that's hard, I think Kiki.

A friend to whom I have something important to say, but have not yet had the courage: none, sorry... My heart is mostly on my tongue ;)

Friends #03

A friend I lost for a reason other than death: Klaartje. I hope to see this friend again as I have mentioned before.

A friend who does or believes in something I cannot respect: I don't know, I don't think one of my friends believe in the death penalty, hits children or walkes around with a shot gun. Descibe what it is that I cannot respect: the above.

A friend with whom I would like to be closer is Gretel and/or Wendy. It would be nice to see them more often and do all the girly things I've never done when I was young because I did not have that many girl friends. Describe the barrier that exists between me and this friend: Gretel is very busy with her work and has a lot of friends in Belgium and Wendy has a baby and a lot of close friends from when she was a student.

A friend to whom I would never lend money: ? It depends what the money's for...

Friends #02

A friend to whom I can go for advice: Kiki. I know it's getting boring but it's the truth. The best piece of advice this friend gave me is to accept myself as I am.

A friend I can have adventures with is my boyfriend. I would want to have more adventures with him in the future, travel a lot and meet new friends all over the world. The best adventure I had with this friend was our trip to Chamonix. We went camping at the end of the summer (not recommended!) and went hiking several days and saw the Mont Blanc up close. It was our first holliday together in a tent with just each other.

A friend I can flirt with is Marc. He's the true flirter of all flirters without having too much expactations. Just flirting for fun ;) A friend I should not flirt with as much as I do is ? I'm not so much of a flirter really.

A friend I would like to kiss is my boyfriend! Duhuhh! A friend I should not have kissed is ? I haven't kissed any of my current friends...

A friend I don't take seriously is not a friend. I take them all serious. Well... maybe I don't take Marcel that serious, we've talked about this subject so he knows ;)

A friend I may lose soon ? I hope none of them. I can't think of anything why I may lose a friend in the near future.

Friends #01

Three traits I look for in a friend:

  • honest
  • fun to be around with
  • respect for all living creatures
The friend I have known for the longest amount of time would be Kiki. We know each other about 18 years now. She's one of my closest friends, I lost her out of sight for some years but we met again and it's like we've never lost each other. Kiki is truly honest and I can talk to her about everything. I know she would always be there for me (and for everybody else).

The friend I miss the most is probably Klaartje. We were very close until we left primary school, our lives went the other way and I've not seen her since (well never, maybe ones or twice in the first year our lives split up...). Maybe our old school will organize a reunion in the future and find both our addresses so we can meet again.

A friend who makes me laugh often is my boyfriend. He can make really funny faces and makes some weird noises sometimes ;)

A friend to whom I can tell anything is Kiki and not to forget Arjen and my boyfriend.

Family #06

If I were not related to my family members, I would still choose these three as my friends:

  • my mom
  • cousin Cissy
  • aunt Annie
If I had to imagine my siblings as animals, they would be invisible. Stupid question again...

Something I wish for my mother is that she gets everything she wants. That she can relax now and enjoy life again with lots of new and old friends.

Something I wish for my father is some true happiness. That he finds himself again and realizes that there's more to life than what he thinks now.

Family #05

Something my parents did that I have never forgiven is that they gave away my toy cars and let me give away my other toys which are back into coolness these days and I "had" them... What would it take for you to forgive them? Nothing, it's unforgivable. Just kiddin' I don't play with toy cars anymore, I drive cars now ;)

If I had to imagine my mother as an animal, she would be a lion. Strong and independent though caring for her family. If I had to imagine my father as an animal, he would be an ant. Lifts weight several times his own and works hard and individual (too hard).

Me and my siblings share in common is not having any siblings... A trait I do not share with my siblings... stupid question.

My favorite relative is my mom. Because all of the above/beneath. I shared everything with her, she knows me best and she's always there for me.

My least favorite relative is the one which talks trash about my mom after her divorcing my dad. They gossip a lot without tracing their stories to be true or not.

Family #04

If they were not available, I would choose these two famous people as my mother and my father:

  • Mother: Angelina Jolie
  • Father: Takashi Murakami
Do I think I said "I love you" enough to my mother? Yes
Do I think I said "I love you" enough to my father? No
Has my mother told me that she loves me enough? Yes
Has my father told me that he loves me enough? No, and now it's awkward when he does.

My mother often said: "nee heb je, ja kun je krijgen" (you already have a no, you can receive a yes, which means that if you don't ask you'll get nothing) and "kan ik niet ligt op het kerkhof en wil ik niet ligt ernaast" (I can't is ten feet underground and I won't is next to him, which means that you'll always have to try something at least once).

My father often said: "ask your mother" and "yes" to everything I asked. I could get the stupidest things (unless my mother found out before).

Whom do I resemble physically? More my mother, but not a lot I believe.

Family #03

When I was a child, my parents spent enough time with me. My mother more, my father worked a lot.

The most common issue me and my parents have argued about is the time I should be back home after going to a club.

My most beautiful childhood memory of my parents is not one thing in particular. I had a normal childhood without any violence and I was a quite child mostly reading a book or drawing things.

My most horrifying childhood memory of my parents is the arguments between them sometimes. When they had one it could be very quite for days in our house. No one would speek... I always felt awkward.

If I didn't know my parents, I would choose these two people as my mother and my father: Yes, I would definitely choose my mom to be my mom again, I might choose some one else as a father, except when that happens I would not be here as I am now. So, that's a dilemma.

Family #02

Three things I dislike about my mother:

  1. she smokes (a lot)
  2. she talks very loud (she doesn't hear so well)
  3. she doesn't listen to me like she used to when I lived at home
Three things I dislike about my father:
  1. he denies he's sick and rejects any help from others
  2. he doesn't come trough anymore
  3. he makes me cry ones in a while because I worry about him
Which question felt easier to answer? The one about my mother again. Because I'm crying right now due to answering the question about my father.

Character or physical traits I inherited from my father: I have the same birthmark on the same place on my belly like he has. Sometimes I bottle things up like he does.

Family #01

Three things I like about my mother:

  1. she is always there for me
  2. she is a really good person by heart, she's there for everyone
  3. she is a really strong woman, I hope to grow up just like her
Three things I like about my father:
  1. he used to be there for me
  2. he always took the time to explain difficult things in a way everyone would understand
  3. he used to be there for others in need
Which question felt easier to answer? The one about my mother because we're closer. My father is sick now for several years, that's why I talk in the past about him. He's not the same man I used to know anymore...

Character or physical traits I inherited from my mother: I can not and don't want to lie. When I'm angry I get quite. You can't get us angry very easily. And physical maybe the nose and the large forehead.

Opinions #03

The minimum punishment for those who molest children should be lock up for ever with the food they don't like for dinner every day and no tv or Xbox like they get here in the Netherlands. It's pathetic how spoiled the prisoners are here. They get a monthly income, free food, game consoles, tv, they can even do a course for free to learn a new profession.

The minimum punishment for those who rape should also be lock up for ever with bad food.

My opinion of the military is that it's a shame every country has one. I think it's good that the Dutch military mostly does good things like helping out where there is poverty.

My opinion of the draft is that's good that it doesn't exist anymore here in the Netherlands. When you don't want to you don't have to. It makes the military smaller but only people who want to be in the military apply, so that's a good thing.

I would fight in a war if... not, I would never fight in a war. I would be a refugee. I hate violence! (unless it's fake in a movie like the Fight club)