Opinions #02

The first step toward resolving poverty is to SEE poverty. Poverty is not someone brags about. So, recognize it and help those you can. Not by giving them everything you have and they don't just to rest your conscious, but by listening and help them out a little bit. Help them getting on their own feet.

The first step toward resolving racism is to accept your neighbor. I also think that some communities shouldn't feel so quickly being under attack. Or even use racism as an excuse for what goes on in their lives. Everyone should accept their neighbor.

The environmental issue that concerns me the most is global warming. I'm not the only one these days. Hack, there is even a movie about it!

Do I believe a person is defined by what she or he does for a living? No, because sometimes someone is not as lucky as you are. Everyone is different and should be giving a chance to let you see who they are.

Politically, I define myself as liberal.

The worst crime against humanity is to kill someone for whatever reason! If someone has killed it doesn't mean you are allowed to kill him. It makes you a murderer too. Being in jail for the rest of your live is a higher punishment than death to my opinion.

The worst political crime is acting against Human Rights.