Yes or No #01

I keep a diary: no
I like to cook: yes
I exercise regularly: no
I sketch while I am on the phone: yes
I have read a book in the past month: yes
I replace the toilet-paper roll immediately: yes
I like crossword puzzles: no
I have visited the Eiffel Tower: yes
I have a secret I have never shared with anyone: no
I wait until the last minute to fill my car with gas: no
I snore: sometimes ;)
I have been to my ancestors' homeland: yes
I read in the bathroom: no
Being sick is a vacation: no
I often have people over at my house: no
I like America: no (haven't been there yet)
I can remember jokes: definitely no (remembered this yesterday)
I play cards: yes
I fold my underwear: yes
I talk in my sleep: no (don't think so)
I eat fast: no
I recycle small batteries: yes