Opinions #02

The first step toward resolving poverty is to SEE poverty. Poverty is not someone brags about. So, recognize it and help those you can. Not by giving them everything you have and they don't just to rest your conscious, but by listening and help them out a little bit. Help them getting on their own feet.

The first step toward resolving racism is to accept your neighbor. I also think that some communities shouldn't feel so quickly being under attack. Or even use racism as an excuse for what goes on in their lives. Everyone should accept their neighbor.

The environmental issue that concerns me the most is global warming. I'm not the only one these days. Hack, there is even a movie about it!

Do I believe a person is defined by what she or he does for a living? No, because sometimes someone is not as lucky as you are. Everyone is different and should be giving a chance to let you see who they are.

Politically, I define myself as liberal.

The worst crime against humanity is to kill someone for whatever reason! If someone has killed it doesn't mean you are allowed to kill him. It makes you a murderer too. Being in jail for the rest of your live is a higher punishment than death to my opinion.

The worst political crime is acting against Human Rights.

Opinions #01

What is my opinion of:

  • The right to have an abortion: Pro
  • The right to own guns: Con
  • The welfare system: Pro
  • The death penalty: Con
  • Rights and services for illegal immigrants: Pro
  • Legalization of drugs: Pro
  • Equal rights for homosexuals: Pro
  • The practice of premarital sex: Pro
Which issue concerns me the most?
The right to own guns, to many mistakes have been made already.

On behalf of this issue, I have done nothing.

God and the world #02

Do I feel that most wars started because of religious conflicts? Yes

Does life exist on other planets? Yes
Have they made contact with us? No
Do I believe we are descendants of Adam and Eve? No
Do I believe in evolution? Yes

Do I believe in astrology? No, only when it's positive for me ;)
Do I read my horoscope? Sometimes
Why? It's fun to read how easy it is to write something so blur that it could be written for anybody.

Have I ever been treated by a psychotherapist? No

Do I believe in reincarnation? No, I want to but I don't...
If reincarnation does exist, I would like to come back as a kitten.

God and the world #01

Do I believe in God? No. I do believe in evolution. I also believe in destiny, some bad and some happy things happen in your life to learn and go on but I don't believe that that's the hand of God or that God created earth and us. I would want to believe that there's an other world waiting for us when we die, but I'm not convinced so you should make the most of this life.

What religion were I raised with? None. I am baptized by the Catholic church but that was only because my grandmother would appreciate that, she was about to die soon of cancer and I was her first grandchild.

My most spiritual moment has not come yet.

That last time I were in a house of worship
was some days ago. My nephew received Holy C. for the first time and invited his family to celebrate with him. So I went (and was a bit to late... sorry for that).

Death is irreversible. Final. The end.

How I picture the end of the world. I don't that so negative to think of so I don't. I think the world will be here for a while. And if we destroy it with our technology it will help itself and evolution will start over.

God has spoken to me? No, otherwise I would believe in him, don't I ;)

Morals #03

As an adult, I have never hit a woman or a man. I have never been arrested.

I have read someone's diary or gone through someone's private belongings without permission when I was a child. I did that out of curiosity. I didn't discover anything I didn't already know.

What would my reaction be if my spouse or partner cheated on me: well, it has happened ones. He's my former boyfriend now. I cried for a whole week and than some nights. We were together for seven years and had just bought a house when he started cheating. I asked him several times but he denied it for half a year! He came through on the first day of Christmas in the bar where we went with his new friends (and girlfriend). That was low and very hard to cope with. Sometimes I think back at that moment and still can't understand why he did it right there and then and not just answered one of my questions honestly before.

I've never cheated in a relationship. I'm too monogamous. My motto about this is that you can watch but dine at home.

I've never hurt someone emotionally on purpose. That's just not my nature. I've never hurt someone emotionally accidentally. If I did I apologize now for my actions.

I do not owe someone money and have stalled in paying it back.

That's it about my morals how about yours?

Morals #02

One person I have killed in my thoughts: no one, some people may have caught a terrible disease in my thoughts though... but that was not the question so I don't have to call any names luckily. One person I might kill if I knew the law would protect me: nobody, I don't have that much hatred in me to wish someone dead.

One thing in this world I am addicted to is definitely food, sweet or salt. By far dark chocolate and Nibbit (sticks) chips but also bread, pastas... I try not to eat as much as I used to. A drug or alcoholic beverage I take on a regular basis is none. When I go out, which is not on a regular basis, I drink Jameson-coke. So if I should name one thing it would be whiskey.

If there were no side effects, I would enjoy being addicted to more food ;) and cigarettes ones more I think. I haven't had one over seven years now!

Drugs I have tried in the past are soft drugs like a joint and a hash pipe. That's it. A drug I would never try is anything else like mushrooms or any type of hard drugs. A drug I will never try again is the above because I'm scared to get addicted to smoking again, not the drugs but the nicotine...

I believe hitting a child is an appropriate form of discipline? No of course not! I've never been hit by my parents and grew up well I believe. I'm against hitting a child, you should raise children in a save and none violent environment. Not even a rap on the knuckles.

Morals #01

Something forbidden I have done that might even surprise my closest friends is that I broke some windows in an old building when I was very young and rebelish. A year later I heard that our cleaner lived there ("anti-kraak"). Oeps... I thought the building was empty and ready to break down but it's still standing today.

People should not marry before the age of 20 to my opinion, and that's what this all is about, isn't it? ;) I believe that when you're that young you can't make such big decisions. Maybe it's not age but you should not marry before you're still a happy couple after a year of 2 or so.

People should not have children before the age of 25. You should enjoy life when you're young and so you can again enjoy live when you're 43. Well, this is totally rubbish. I don't have any kids and don't plan to have one so I should not see anything about this subject.

The appropriate age for having sex is 17. Younger than that is naive, like I was one time ago... The first time I had sex, I were the age of hmmmm... less than 17... not proud of it, but it happened.

My most recent lie I can not remember. I have a policy about lying: don't! I can't lie, when I do I get caught in the act. My face turns red, really red and I can not remember lies so they always come out in time. So when I'm late for an appointment and it's my fault, I tell the truth.

A lie I tell myself is that I'm not good enough, in everything I mean. But deep down I know it's not true, but still there's this tiny voice in my head...

Something I have stolen that was not worth the risk is nothing. I've never stolen something as I recall. Oh, well, I've stolen a cigarette from my mom once and yes, she found out. That's it.

Fruits of my labor #03

My strangest possession is a euhm... I can't think of something. I don't believe my possessions are strange to have, maybe they are to someone else. So, I think you should ask my friends this question to find out ;)

My most expensive possession is of course my/our house, after that my/our car, then I believe our carpet, couch or dining table... then the iMac, then this is not fun anymore so I stop here.

My prized possession is a CD from the Pixies which was my first present from my boyfriend. And a lot more, because I can't choose one thing as you know already, like my desinger toys, my books, my pictures, my ring, the paintings made by my mom ... ... ...

Material possessions are (oeps) all of the above I guess. But we could go on like my orange glass art bowl, porcelain art birdies, ... it's too much and I don't like to brag about stuff I own (except for my 24 inch iMac! haha).

If my house was burning and I only had time to rescue three things, they would be:

  1. Bacchus (my cat)
  2. My handbag, in which I keep my drivers license, passport, camera, wallet, everything I need on a daily basis
  3. MacMini (which is our backup system for Medialoog)

Fruits of my labor #02

My watch is at the moment branded by Diesel, I also have a Fossil, Baby-G, Swatch... But mostly I wear my Diesel with a black belt, and when I'm feeling sunny I wear my Baby-G which is lime, with stripes and stuff.

My cologne or perfume is currently Hugo Red. And I really like Joop le bain but my boyfriend doesn't, so ...

Something important on my desk are my toys. Some dunny's at work, some ducks at home and a picture of me and my boyfriend!

Om my wall hangs a painting made by my mother (above the couch). In the Apple room there is a large silver apple logo painted on the wall.

Under my bed or in my closet I hide dirty tissues, dust, Labello, eucalyptus oil (so I can breath while I'm sleeping and do not get stitched by mosquito's), and a lot more.

Something important on my night table is a little brown bear which was my mom's when she was young and a porcelain angel who watches over me at night.

When I sleep, I wear sometimes a long sleeve shirt, large pants (and socks), sorry. But I can't sleep with cold feet and my boyfriend doesn't let me warm them up on his side!

If I had a safe, I would keep nothing because I would think I had lost something. I forget a lot so when I'm hiding something I think it's lost after a while and turn everything up-side-down to find it.

Things I like to buy are presents for my friends, design books and designer toys for myself. A new car, one that's not so ugly as our Seat Ibiza from 1994.

If I could afford it at this moment, I would buy more designer toys and design books. More apple computers. Another camera and a small photo printer. New clothing. A vacation around the world, twice, one time I will go with my boyfriend and I would go again with my mom. A chalet in the French Alpes...

I collect nothing. Some people think I do but I really don't. I just buy what I like.

I don't have a lot of 100 euro bills in my wallet. Well, none. There's nothing I really miss having. I guess I'm lucky.

Fruits of my labor #01

Children: none

Pets: one. My cat Bacchus, it's a she but I liked the name so much and she doesn't realize so why not. Bacchus is mostly black with a touch of white here and there. She's very small (for her age), and does her name right! About ten years ago she still had a sister called Wombat and one night they drank a bottle of red wine. They threw the bottle on the kitchen floor and drank the spilled wine. The name Bacchus is a mythological name, the god of wine, food and parties.

I live in a house from the early 30's. Before the war as they say here in the Netherlands (World War 2). I bought it about 4 years ago with my boyfriend and it's still under construction ;). This year we would like to have a nice garden and make a room of the attic into a place where I can be "crafty" with a bed for sleepovers. After that we still have to do our stairs and the storage room behind the kitchen. The problem is that we both are no "handymans" so it will take some time before it's all finished.

My approximate annual income: I'm making more money than ever before. I never had any clue about home much money I would make but I'm satisfied (for now).

The number of hours I spend working each weak
is 32 at Fantazm. I have a day off on Friday. But Friday is the day I work for Medialoog and when I need to I work in the evenings and weekends as well for my own company. I wish I could work 3 days at Fantazm and 2 for Medialoog. But I don't have enough clients right now, we're working on that!

Favorites #03

An actress whose performances I admire is none. I'm not that interested in films like that. I like to watch, that's it. Yesterday I went to "Number 23", I'm not a huge fan of Jim Carrey but he played a very different type he used to. It was a great movie, a bit long/slow but still maintaining. So there is also no actor whose performances I admire. If I have to name one I would say Brat Pitt.

A TV show I watch regularly is Gray's anatomy, CSI, NCIS... Too much actually, but I still have time to blog but maybe I should watch less and fitness more.

An artist whose work I highly respect is easy on one hand on the other his name is so difficult for me to remember. But he is the father of KaiKai Kiki. His name is Takashi Murakami, he's from Japan. I love his happy style and bright colors. His work makes me smile. I believe he is the first artist who is that commercial and still remains an artist in the eyes of his colleagues.

A piece of clothing I love to ware is not really clothing but are my Adidas sneakers. They are white with some gold glitter stripes. They look like the original black/white ones but with a little feminine touch ;)

A monument I would like to have a view of from my bedroom is the Sagrada Familia which is a cathedral in Barcelona. I don't know if it has bells ringing early in the morning, if it is I would like to have a view of Parc Guell which is also in Barcelona...

My favorite time of day is the morning, I'm at my best in the morning. I'm awake and ready for the rest of the day. I do need a hour or so alone, doing my thing. Like having breakfast, reading my magazine or sitting behind my computer.

My favorite place to sit at home is as you can guess behind my iMac. The couch is doing fine as well (or in front of the couch on our carpet) for reading a book or watching tv.

What I most like to do on Sunday is going to a museum which I don't do usually, but I would like that. I also like to hang out with friends which we are going to do this Sunday.

My motto is "happiness is good health and a bad memory". I'm working on my health and my memory is terrible, I'm always making lists and carry around my calendar so I hope not to forget those things. So my motto fits me I believe...

Favorites #02

My favorite meal is pasta in different ways. I like it cheesy with gormas (gorgonzola/mascarpone) and spinach or with a tomato sauce...

The drink I often order is Jameson with Coke. It's been my favorite for years now. Sometimes I order Bacardi when they don't have a good whiskey. Or just a Coke.

A delicious dessert is something I've made a couple of years ago with Christmas: Chocolate rolled up cake with whiskey-cream. It's a lot of work but worth making.

The game I like to play is Luxor on my PSP for the moment. I used to play Loco Roco a lot but that's on hold now. Loco Roco is my favorite when you look at the gameplay (super easy and fun) and it's designed really well!

The book I strongly recommend is not coming to my mind. I read a lot of different genres and like most of the books I read. Oh, somethings popping to the surface of my mind: Touching the Void by Joe Simpson. It's a true story about mountain climbers who get it really tough in the snow, I just felt their physical pain. There is also a film/documentary made of this story. The author who has affected you must be Joe Simpson then.

The magazine I read most frequently is Computer Arts. I found that most inspiring. It's a creative magazine from the UK. It's full of tips & tricks and portfolio work from other freelancers.

The newspaper I prefer to read on Sundays is none. I don't do newspapers. Every working day I watch the news in the morning and I listen to the news on the radio when I'm driving my car. I think that's enough of terrible news for one day. So on Sunday I don't want to be confronted with bad news from all over the world.

Music I prefer to listen to when I am alone is not one artist or genre. I like britpop a lot at the moment. You can view some favorites and what I've recently been listening to at last.fm. I recently discovered this site and since than I listen to their stations when I'm behind my iMac. In the kitchen I listen to iTunes, which is full of crap by the way, thanks to my boyfriend ;)

The film I could watch over and over is none. I like to watch new films. The latest I've seen is Spiderman 3. The latest great one I've seen is Pan's Labyrinth a couple of weeks ago. Other great movies are Memento, the Butterfly effect, 12 Monkey's, Go. I only want to watch them again when I've forgotten what the storyline is.

A director I admire is none. I'm terrible with remembering names and details like what's the name of this band or title song. Maybe because I don't find it interesting to know who made it only if it's good or not. Sorry...

Favorites #01

The color I like to wear is black. I wear it a lot, it's easy. I would want to wear really bright colors but I don't have the guts, yet.

Regardless of size or circumstance, the animal I would like to own as a pet would still be a cat. They are independent and stubborn. I like that in every living being. So maybe a large cat would be nice regardless of size. Than I would like a black panther or leopard but the don't fit the little cat's door...

The flower I would like to grow in my garden is a heliconiapsittacorum. But I believe it's a tropical flower. So in a few years it should be possible with the global warming and stuff ;)

My lucky number is 3. I don't know why but it's a nice number in language and shape.

The smell that makes me pause is the smell of wet/fresh grass. I stop and have to inhale. In my mind I go to a fantasy place somewhere in the Alpes.

The taste that makes me melt is the taste of chocolate candy (except for white chocolate which I don't like). Belgium chocolate is my favorite!

The hobby that occupies my time is sitting behind my iMac blogging on medousa and vox, designing, photographing and posting it on Flickr, watching other peoples portfolio's... It really absorbs my time, I sit here for hours and hours and forget about time and everything else I should be doing.

The sport I enjoy watching
is snowboarding and surfing. I don't surf but I can snowboard a bit, my goal set for this year is to be a better snowboarder next season. I don't have a favorite sportsman or so, I'm terrible with names.

The sport I enjoy playing is mostly snowboarding (when it's going well). And I fitness but that's not something I really enjoy doing, it's a must to stay in shape.

The city I like to visit is Barcelona, I went there a few years ago and really loved it there. It's old and lively and so beautiful. You have a lot of art, sea, shops, great food. I should go back soon!

The country I would like to explore is Japan. I've never been there but it haves a beautiful nature and exotic culture. And not to forget super duper toys. When I go I take a empty suitcase with me to fill with toys and gadgets to take home with me.


Mother's full name is Hendrika Wilhelmina Maria van den Broek, but we call her Riek and some call her Riekie. Date of birth is June 2, 1955.

Father's full name is Petrus Theodorus Johannus Maria Dirkx, wow an extra name... and we call him Peter. Why do you get all those names in a Catholic church? Why is it so important to be named after your grandparents or uncle and aunts? Well... My dad's date of birth is Januari 17, 1951.

My mother's maiden name you already have. They are separated a little while ago. I don't have any siblings so yes, I was a bit spoiled by my parents.

Names of maternal grandparents, hmmm my grandfather is called Jan and I don't know about my grandmother. I don't remember her because she died when I was about 6 months old. My grandfather died six year ago.

Names of paternal grandparents, again I can't give you a lot of information, my grandfather is called Harry and I don't know the name of my grandmother, I used to call her Oma. Oma died 22 years ago I believe and my grandfather lives in a nursing home.

Mother's family comes from Bladel (as far as I know) which is a small town next to Reusel where I was born. My mother grew up in Bladel and moved to Reusel when she married my father.

Father's family originally comes from Belgium, some went to Australia as sheep farmers came back bought a royal title and the family ended up in Reusel somehow (as I was told). My dad grew up in Reusel.

Famous or notable relative or ancestor
: we have an artist in the family, a nephew of my father called Piet Dirkx, he's a painter. That's it.


Name as given by my parents: Catharina, Wilhelmina, Nicolaas Dirkx. They call me Karin. I don't know what to do with those "catholic" names... just call me Karin or like some friends Kaat.

Address is not something I want to post online so you should do it with the fact that I'm enjoying living in Eindhoven which is the 5th big city of the Netherlands. Phone number is also a no go online (sorry).

Today's date is Tuesday and I should be working out in the gym in stead of making another blog...

Place of birth is Reusel which is a little town near the border by Belgium (30 minutes by car from Eindhoven). I used to live there 'till I was 6, then we moved to Eindhoven. Date of birth is November the 1st in 1976 (yes, I'm 30...).

Astrological sign is Scorpio, but I don't really believe all those stuff (unless it fits me).

Profession is designer (graphic and multi media). I own my own company called Medialoog and I work as a game-designer at Fantazm. Education: sintLucas. I graduated in Multi Media Design and Advertising & Presentation Techniques.

Height is not so tall (1.68) but that's OK because my boyfriend's the same height. Weight is hopefully less next year. Hair color is blond with a touch of red, mostly bleached by the sun. Eye color is "graphite" as my boyfriend says with love for his Apple G4. Distinguishing marks I don't have, as far as I know I'm very average... Blood type I don't know.

Allergies I have unfortunately: hay fever and I'm very allergic to my cat (Bacchus). But she's staying 'till death do us part, no matter what the doctor says!