Favorites #01

The color I like to wear is black. I wear it a lot, it's easy. I would want to wear really bright colors but I don't have the guts, yet.

Regardless of size or circumstance, the animal I would like to own as a pet would still be a cat. They are independent and stubborn. I like that in every living being. So maybe a large cat would be nice regardless of size. Than I would like a black panther or leopard but the don't fit the little cat's door...

The flower I would like to grow in my garden is a heliconiapsittacorum. But I believe it's a tropical flower. So in a few years it should be possible with the global warming and stuff ;)

My lucky number is 3. I don't know why but it's a nice number in language and shape.

The smell that makes me pause is the smell of wet/fresh grass. I stop and have to inhale. In my mind I go to a fantasy place somewhere in the Alpes.

The taste that makes me melt is the taste of chocolate candy (except for white chocolate which I don't like). Belgium chocolate is my favorite!

The hobby that occupies my time is sitting behind my iMac blogging on medousa and vox, designing, photographing and posting it on Flickr, watching other peoples portfolio's... It really absorbs my time, I sit here for hours and hours and forget about time and everything else I should be doing.

The sport I enjoy watching
is snowboarding and surfing. I don't surf but I can snowboard a bit, my goal set for this year is to be a better snowboarder next season. I don't have a favorite sportsman or so, I'm terrible with names.

The sport I enjoy playing is mostly snowboarding (when it's going well). And I fitness but that's not something I really enjoy doing, it's a must to stay in shape.

The city I like to visit is Barcelona, I went there a few years ago and really loved it there. It's old and lively and so beautiful. You have a lot of art, sea, shops, great food. I should go back soon!

The country I would like to explore is Japan. I've never been there but it haves a beautiful nature and exotic culture. And not to forget super duper toys. When I go I take a empty suitcase with me to fill with toys and gadgets to take home with me.