Yes or No #03

I have not used a hair dryer in the past five years: no
I have never used a personal computer: no
I have made love in an airplane: no
I have hit my father or mother in anger: no
When I think I have done something wrong, I am quick to apologize: yes
I lose control in heated arguments: no
In the morning when my alarm clock sounds, I get out of bed immediately: no
I drank mother's milk: no
I generally save letters and postcards: yes
I hate parties: no
I have stolen money from my parents: no
I have fired a gun: yes
I often have the last word: no
Less is more: sometimes
I give money to homeless people: no
Money has influenced my character: no
I know who I am: yes
I enjoy being photographed: no
Life treats me well: yes

Yes or No #02

I often avoid paying full price: no
I like hiking: yes
I like being on the phone: no
I shave regularly: yes
I set my watch a few minutes ahead: yes
I am always late: no
I often get headaches: no
I smoke: no
A naked photo of me exists: yes (as a baby)
I can whistle: yes
I write letters regularly: no
I believe in destiny: yes
I brush my teeth three times a day: no
I have something I wish to confess: no
I change my bedsheets weekly: no (but it is my goal)
I bite my fingernails: no
I pick my nose: yes
I am a vegetarian: no
I have eaten in a restaurant alone: yes
I have gone to a movie alone: no
I have taken a vacation alone: no
I read the newspaper every day: no

Yes or No #01

I keep a diary: no
I like to cook: yes
I exercise regularly: no
I sketch while I am on the phone: yes
I have read a book in the past month: yes
I replace the toilet-paper roll immediately: yes
I like crossword puzzles: no
I have visited the Eiffel Tower: yes
I have a secret I have never shared with anyone: no
I wait until the last minute to fill my car with gas: no
I snore: sometimes ;)
I have been to my ancestors' homeland: yes
I read in the bathroom: no
Being sick is a vacation: no
I often have people over at my house: no
I like America: no (haven't been there yet)
I can remember jokes: definitely no (remembered this yesterday)
I play cards: yes
I fold my underwear: yes
I talk in my sleep: no (don't think so)
I eat fast: no
I recycle small batteries: yes

What I dislike

Spontaneously list anything that comes to mind.

- lies
- unhappy people who can't see the sunny side of life
- too drunken people
- uncomfortable situations
- not being myself
- being overweight
- pig meat
- falling down the stairs
- going head first, face down (while snowboarding)
- well, that's it for now...

What I like

Spontaneously list anything that comes to mind.

- robert
- bacchus
- chocolate (bon bon block)
- snowboarding
- snow
- the alpes
- design stuff
- crafty things
- reading
- party
- pasta's
- cats
- cute stuff
- graphic art
- photography
- sleeping
- pink
- eating out
- going to the movies
- hanging out with friends
- designing things digitally
- and so much more !

Ego #05

If I didn't have commitments to others, I would have been blogging about me, and finished this blog in 80 days... but seriously. I would be crafting and give illustration a go, and I would be reading the books which are waiting to be read for some time now.

The number of drinks that constitutes my limit: hmmm... I've never counted them, but I would say 5 or more beers and about 10 whiskey/cola's (?)

My best physical feature: my eyes.

I have not considered plastic surgery.

At my best, I am most like this famous person: I don't know, I'm not that familiar with famous persons. But I'm happy, funny and cute, or at least I think I am ;)

At my worst, I am most like this famous person: some famous cranky old lady.

Create a newspaper headline I would like to read about myself: Hot new creative graphic designer in town!

My most recent selfless act: I saw a kitten to be hit by a jeep, I called the police to send over the vet and I staid with the kitten until they arrived. The kitten was so much in pain and so afraid I couldn't just leave it there.


Well, I have a lot to talk about. I've forgotten this blog for several months now :( I'm gonna make it up to you by starting posting again...