Morals #02

One person I have killed in my thoughts: no one, some people may have caught a terrible disease in my thoughts though... but that was not the question so I don't have to call any names luckily. One person I might kill if I knew the law would protect me: nobody, I don't have that much hatred in me to wish someone dead.

One thing in this world I am addicted to is definitely food, sweet or salt. By far dark chocolate and Nibbit (sticks) chips but also bread, pastas... I try not to eat as much as I used to. A drug or alcoholic beverage I take on a regular basis is none. When I go out, which is not on a regular basis, I drink Jameson-coke. So if I should name one thing it would be whiskey.

If there were no side effects, I would enjoy being addicted to more food ;) and cigarettes ones more I think. I haven't had one over seven years now!

Drugs I have tried in the past are soft drugs like a joint and a hash pipe. That's it. A drug I would never try is anything else like mushrooms or any type of hard drugs. A drug I will never try again is the above because I'm scared to get addicted to smoking again, not the drugs but the nicotine...

I believe hitting a child is an appropriate form of discipline? No of course not! I've never been hit by my parents and grew up well I believe. I'm against hitting a child, you should raise children in a save and none violent environment. Not even a rap on the knuckles.